Is Your Business Prepared? Keeping Safe After a Storm

Gale-force winds and storms are the most common cause of damage to property. For the shopkeepers on the Gilnahirk Road, Belfast, they are now faced with substantial damage and business interruption due to Storm Dennis over the weekend.
With a Met Office yellow weather warning in place until later on today, we have put together some tips to keeping your employees and property safe, after a storm.
• Stay alert for extended rainfall or flooding.
• Do not touch any electrical or telephone cables that were blown down or are still hanging.
• Stay away from walls, buildings and trees that look like they may have been weakened.
• Walk carefully around any property and check for loose power lines, gas leaks and structural damage before entering.
• Inspect your property for damage. Take pictures of the damage, both of the building and its contents, for insurance purposes.
• Wear protective clothing and be cautious when cleaning up or making repairs.
• Make sure everyone around you is safe.
• Never use a generator inside enclosed spaces, sheds or similar areas, even when using fans or opening doors and windows for ventilation. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these areas and can linger for hours, even after the generator has shut off.
• Stay safe when severe weather strikes by being prepared and checking weather forecasts and warnings.
ABL Group provide business and commercial insurance policies for a broad range of businesses. Get in touch with our commercial team to discuss your needs.
Email or call your local office for a quotation:
• ABL Group Armagh, Belfast & Coleraine: 028 9099 3600
• Digney Grant Newry: 028 3026 7017
• McGrady Insurance Downpatrick: 028 4461 5933
*Digney Grant and McGrady Insurance are members of the ABL Group of companies in Northern Ireland.
#insurancetips #weatherwarnings #stormdennis