Enjoy the Fireplace Safely

A cosy warm fire enjoyed safely at home

One of the most comfortable ways to pass the cold and dark nights of winter is by enjoying your home’s fireplace. However, while enjoying the warmth and ambience of a fire, it’s necessary to ensure the safety of your home and family.

If you plan to use a fireplace this winter, take these precautions:

  • Check the chimney. Smoke and sparks must be able to exit your home safely. Make sure that you have your chimney swept regularly.
  • Use the right fuel. Never use flammable liquids, such as petrol or paraffin, to light your fire. Wood should have a moisture content of 17 per cent or less.
  • Consider surroundings. It’s important to use a proper fireguard to block sparks and hot embers. In addition, avoid hanging clothes or other flammable materials near a fireplace.
  • Extinguish properly. Before going to bed or leaving your home, be certain that any remaining embers are fully contained and guarded.
  • Be prepared. Ensure that you have enough smoke alarms throughout your home and regularly check that they are working correctly.

Now, sit back relax and enjoy the hygge.