ONS Releases Statistics on COVID-19 Deaths by Occupation

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published new findings that provide information on which occupations have experienced the most deaths related to COVID-19. The coronavirus pandemic has affected a variety of organisations across many different sectors, but the new figures from the ONS paint a grim picture regarding which organisations and industries have been the most fatal.

This report measured coronavirus-related deaths in England and Wales among people ages 20 to 64 from 9th March 2020 through 28th December 2020. The ONS compiled coronavirus-related death rate statistics for nine major occupational groups, such as ‘elementary occupations,’ and ‘caring, leisure and other service occupations.’ Overall, men had a higher death rate across most of these groups than women.
Among male workers, the occupations with the highest coronavirus-related death rates per 100,000 employees were:

  1. Process plant workers (143.2)
  2. Security guards and related occupations (140)
  3. Restaurant and catering managers and proprietors (119.3)
  4. Care workers and home carers (109.9)
  5. Metalworking and machine operatives (106.1)

The highest death rates per 100,000 female workers included the following professions:

  1. Care workers and home carers (47.1)
  2. Assemblers and routines operatives (39.2)
  3. Social workers (32.4)
  4. National government administrative occupations (27.9)
  5. Sales and retail assistants (26.9)

The ONS noted that some sample sizes within these findings may be too small for the data to be completely conclusive. Still, the figures should serve as a reminder for employers to take all necessary precautions to keep their workers safe as the pandemic continues.
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